Thursday, November 4, 2010

Children of Stirling Kirkpatrick White and Mary Willis White

Mary Austin Willis was the only child of Julia Ragland Willis, my paternal great-great-great-grandmother's sister, and her second husband, Andrew Jackson Willis, whom she married in 1869. When she grew up, Mary Austin Willis married Stirling Kirkpatrick White. During her marriage to Stirling White, Mary Willis White gave birth to three daughters who died while they were still very young children. Reminders of the White family's sad story of tragedy and loss can be seen in Raymond Cemetery in Raymond, Mississippi, where the grave stones of the three children are located in the Gillespie Plot. These three children were younger sisters of Mary Elise White, who was born on July 4, 1891.

Norma White
Born August 3, 1900
Died April 5, 1901

Minnie Lee White
September 25, 1892
Died April 30, 1893

Stirling Willis White
August 14, 1896
August 19, 1901

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