Sunday, December 21, 2008

William Nichols, the Architect from Bath, England

Photo by Natalie Maynor
Entrance to Odd Fellows Cemetery located
in Lexington, the County Seat of Holmes
County, Mississippi

Photo by Natalie Maynor
The inscription on the gravestone of William Nichols (pictured above) includes the letters "ARCHT" after his name, and according to the inscription, William Nichols, a native of Bath, England, died on December 12, 1853, when he was "aged 73 years." The monument marking the grave of William Nichols is one of the oldest in Odd Fellows Cemetery in Lexington.

Photo by Natalie Maynor

William Nichols was a native of Bath, England whose profession was that of architect, as his gravestone states. He is remembered in Holmes County as the designer of the second courthouse in Lexington, Mississippi, a structure that later burned in 1893. Nichols also designed the Old Capitol Building and the Mississippi Governor's Mansion, historic state buildings located in Jackson, Mississippi.

1 comment:

  1. How interesting. I didn't know the meaning of the designation ARCHT after your ancestor's name. You have educated me!
