Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Montgomery Cemetery - Madison, Mississippi

Although there are a number of gravestones in the Montgomery Cemetery that contain only names, the graves of A. J. Montgomery and L. F. Montgomery must be among the oldest in this cemetery as well as some of the oldest in Madison County. According to the inscriptions on these two gravestones, L. F. Montgomery was born on Christmas Eve of 1812, and he died on February 25, 1907, when he was 94 years old. A. J. Montgomery, was born on September 5, 1816, and died on January 1868, when he was "aged 51 years 4 mo's and 18 days."

I think it goes without saying that L.F. Montgomery likely died of "advanced age" and "natural causes." But did A. J. Montgomery die early, the result of an accident or an illness? And were these two men brothers?

The U. S. Census of 1860 for Madison County, Mississippi, shows A. J. and L. F. Montgomery living next to each other, with "Canton," the county seat, then and now, shown as their "Post Office." Both men, according to the census, were living with their wives and children and were born in Mississippi. L.F. Montgomery's wife was born in North Carolina, and A. J.'s wife was born in Mississippi. All of their children were born in Mississippi, as well. The occupation for each man was shown to be that of "planter."

A. J. Montgomery's personal estate was valued at $57,250, including real estate that he owned, valued separately as $57,000. The value of real estate owned by L. F. Montgomery was $52,600, and the total value of his personal estate was valued at $81,700. In 1860, two years before the start of the Civil War, it is likely the Montgomery men were two of the largest landowners in Madison County.
Many descendants of A. J. and L. F. Montgomery still live in Madison County and the surrounding area, near where their ancestors lie at rest in this old cemetery.

A sign posted in the cemetery, advising visitors the cemetery is "Private Property," also cautions those who visit to "...observe the sanctity of thse grounds." Madison United Methodist Church offers its phone number as a contact for additional information.

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