Sunday, November 23, 2008


I am happy to announce today that I have started a new blog here where I will be writing about old graveyards of Madison County, Mississippi, and about those who are buried in them. "The Graveyard Rabbit of Madison County" is one of about 50 blogs written by members who blog from locations throughout the U.S., Canada, the Netherlands, and the U. K.

"The Association of Graveyard Rabbits" was founded in October of this year by Terry Thornton, a Mississippian, and a founding member known as "footNote Maven," who writes "
Shades of the Departed." Terry also writes two blogs entitled "The Graveyard Rabbit of Hill Country" and "Hill Country of Monroe County." Although the association is still a new one, member "graveyard rabbits" continue to multiply and now blog about all things related to cemeteries from all over the U. S., Canada, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

I invite you to visit the three sister blogs to "The Graveyard Rabbit of Madison County." They are "Attala County Memories," "The Graveyard Rabbit of Holmes County," and "The Graveyard Rabbit of Attala County."

I hope you will join me on my new journey throughout the many old graveyards located in Madison County, Mississippi. Not only do I hope to find your ancestors and mine, as well, but I look forward to writing about the events that made up their life stories.

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