Sunday, November 23, 2008


I would like to welcome you to my newest blog, "The Graveyard Rabbit of Holmes County."

In October of this year, Terry Thornton, another Mississippian whose writes several blogs, including "Hill Country of Monroe County" and "The Graveyard Rabbit of Hill Country," along with a fellow blogger, who writes "Shades of the Departed," founded a new blogger group named "The Association of Graveyard Rabbits." Membership is by invitation, and Terry was gracious enough to invite me to become a Charter Member.

As a Charter Member, I developed a blog entitled "The Graveyard Rabbit of Attala County," which serves as a sister blog to "Attala County Memories," where I have been writing about family history since July of this year. The mission or purpose of The Association of Graveyard Rabbits" is to promote historical importance of cemeteries, grave markers, and the family history that can be learned from a study of burial customs, burying grounds, and tombstones.

Just as rabbits multiply exponentially, members of the association have grown by leaps and bounds. There are over 50 Graveyard Rabbit blogs now, and they are written from all four corners of the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, and the UK.

I invite you to follow along with me on this journey through the many old graveyards of Holmes County, Mississippi.

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