Friday, October 31, 2008

This Says Everything

The photographer's description simply said "A very thorough tombstone," and I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. It actually defies words and certainly speaks for itself. The headstone appears to be a recently erected one, located not in Attala county, but in another county in Mississippi.

My own reaction when I first saw the photo was one of near shock and disbelief. Not only was I intrigued by the unusual size and design of the stone, I was in total awe of the extensive genealogical story inscribed on the stone. The fact that it features thirteen family pictures is impressive in its own right - what a treasure trove of family information this headstone contains.

But I must ask the obvious question: Why would someone erect such an expensive and such a detailed marker? Were the families listed prominent ones in the history and the development of the community? Large and beautifully carved and detailed headstones historically have served as symbols of the social and economic importance of families throughout years past and continues in our present culture.

Could it be the headstone is the sole marker, a "combined" marker, if you will, for all family members buried in this particular portion of the cemetery?

Whatever the reason, this marker will provide a permanent road map of family history for many generations to come.


  1. Wow, what an impressive monument! I can't even imagine what all it says! Thank you for sharing with us!

  2. Do you have any photos or information about Union Cemetery which is located east of Goodman, MS near Shrock. Members of the Alexader Mabry family are buried there.
